IVF Increases The The Risk Of Thrombosis. Part 3 of 3

IVF Increases The The Risk Of Thrombosis – Part 3 of 3

The researchers found that for women who had undergone IVF, the imperil for a blood clot was 4,2 in 1000 women. For the women with normal pregnancies, the risk was 2,5 in 1000. Moreover, the endanger was highest during the first trimester. Pulmonary embolism occurred in 19 women who had IVF (8,1 out of 10000) compared with 70 women who conceived normally (6 out of 10000), the turn over found.

The researchers caution that the absolute risk of a pulmonary embolism among women who had IVF was still slight – two to three additional cases in 10000 women. “We don’t want patients to get scared. Even with IVF, getting a blood clot is still fair rare”. Also, most blood clots do not go to the lungs and can easily be treated and resolved where to get vigrx delay spray in roswell. Women at risk for clots can be treated with blood thinners that proscribe clots.

Parts: 1 2 3

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