A New Technique For Reducing Cravings For Junk Food. Part 3 of 3

A New Technique For Reducing Cravings For Junk Food – Part 3 of 3

It was not in the scope of the study to examine how long the effect described lasted, but it is noteworthy to consider. Was it five minutes? Two days? Were the participants hungry during one part of the study but not during another arm of the experiment? And were they normal weight, overweight or underweight, she asked. “All these factors, and many more, could sham how someone responds to repeatedly imagining eating a certain food”.

Overweight or obese people may have very different psychological and biochemical responses to this simulation nearly equal compared with normal-weight individuals. “Food cravings are a complex mix of physiological, psychological, environmental and hormonal aspects source. Adopting healthy lifestyle habits, such as eating vegetables, fruits, legumes and full grains, and exercising, may help reduce the strength and frequency of food cravings”.

Parts: 1 2 3

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