Factor Increasing The Risk Of Stillbirth. Part 3 of 3

Factor Increasing The Risk Of Stillbirth – Part 3 of 3

Gordon and Saade agreed that it’s too early for any sweeping recommendations. “I don’t reckon women should be alarmed” by the findings. “And a woman who has had a stillbirth should definitely not feel guilty if she slept on her back during pregnancy”. But should women sleep on their side, just to be safe? Not necessarily. That zizz position could potentially encourage a blood clot in the legs. “Women should sleep in whatever position is comfortable for them. However, if a woman has any concerns about her sleep position, experts predict she should discuss it with her doctor. The study was published Jan 8, 2015 online in Obstetrics and Gynecology apni sagi sistr ko galtisa chuda hindi sex stry.

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Factor Increasing The Risk Of Stillbirth. Part 2 of 3

Factor Increasing The Risk Of Stillbirth – Part 2 of 3

Women who smoke or have high blood pressure are at greater risk than others, but sometimes there is no explanation for a stillbirth. To see whether sleep position is connected to stillbirth risk, Gordon’s duo studied 103 women who had suffered a late stillbirth – after the 31st week of pregnancy – and 192 pregnant women who were in the third trimester. They found that of women who had a stillbirth, almost 10 percent said they had slept on their backs during pregnancy, including the survive month.


That compared with only 2 percent of women with healthy pregnancies. When the researchers accounted for other factors – such as smoking and women’s body substance – back-sleeping was still linked to an increased risk of stillbirth. Dr Halit Pinar, director of perinatal and pediatric pathology at Women and Infants Hospital in Providence, RI, studies quiescent risk factors for stillbirth. He said his research has found that impaired fetal growth is a “major risk factor” for stillbirth – a relate that Gordon’s team saw in the current study as well.

When it comes to sleep position, Pinar said the current findings raise an interesting question, but that’s as far as they go. According to Pinar, it’s “feasible” that blood cover to the fetus could be diminished when a woman sleeps on her back. “But without any objective evidence, such as measuring the actual flow to the placenta and the baby, it’s hard to withstand that without some trepidation. “At this stage I don’t think we can reach any conclusions about the effect of sleep position and come up with a recommendation”.

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Factor Increasing The Risk Of Stillbirth. Part 1 of 3

Factor Increasing The Risk Of Stillbirth – Part 1 of 3

Factor Increasing The Risk Of Stillbirth. Women who be in the land of Nod on their backs in the later months of pregnancy may have a relatively higher risk of stillbirth if they already have other risk factors, a budding study suggests. Experts stressed that the findings do not prove that sleep position itself affects stillbirth risk. “We should be cautious in interpreting the results,” said Dr George Saade, maestro of maternal-fetal medicine at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. “We can’t conclude that sleeping on the back causes stillbirth, or that sleeping on your side will prevent it,” said Saade, who was not complicated in the study.

It is, however, plausible that back-sleeping could contribute. Lying on the back can exacerbate sleep apnea, where breathing repeatedly stops and starts throughout the night, and if a fetus is already vulnerable, that reduced oxygen squirt could conceivably boost the odds of stillbirth. Dr Adrienne Gordon, the lead researcher on the study, agreed that if sleep position contributes to stillbirth, it would probably be only if other risk factors are present, such as impaired success of the fetus.

And “Stillbirth is much more complicated than one risk factor,” said Gordon, a neonatologist at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, Australia. But if sleep position does matter that would be high-ranking because it can be changed. Stillbirth refers to a pregnancy loss after the 20th week. According to the March of Dimes, about one in 160 pregnancies ends in stillbirth – with birth defects, poor fetal excrescence and problems with the placenta among the causes.

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A Neural Tube Defects Have Fallen. Part 3 of 3

A Neural Tube Defects Have Fallen – Part 3 of 3

It’s known that high-dose folic acid supplements – 4 milligrams a daylight taken at least four weeks before becoming pregnant and through the first 12 weeks of pregnancy – lower the risk of neural tube defects, the CDC said. Hispanic women are about 20 percent more likely to have a child with a neural tube defect than non-Hispanic white women.

One reason, according to the March of Dimes: wheat flour is fortified with folic acid, but corn masa flour – which is more acclaimed among Hispanics – is not fortified. The March of Dimes says it has asked the US Food and Drug Administration to enrich corn masa flour with folic acid with the goal of lowering the rate of neural tube defects among Hispanic women china. Both studies appear in the Jan 16, 2015 copy of Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, published by the CDC.

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A Neural Tube Defects Have Fallen. Part 2 of 3

A Neural Tube Defects Have Fallen – Part 2 of 3

So “It’s also good to eat foods that contain folate, the natural form of folic acid, including lentils, common leafy vegetables, black beans and orange juice, as well as foods fortified with folic acid, such as bread and pasta, and enriched cereals”. Another CDC study released Thursday found that many American women who had a pregnancy bogus by a neural tube defect and get pregnant again don’t follow folic acid supplement recommendations.


Health-care providers need to do more to encourage these women to boost their folic acid intake, the review authors said. Among women with a neural tube defect in a previous pregnancy, only 35 percent of those who had a neural tube defect in a second pregnancy took folic acid, compared with 80 percent of those with a line defect-free pregnancy, the study found. Women who’ve experienced a neural tube defect are at increased risk for another one, the researchers noted.

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A Neural Tube Defects Have Fallen. Part 1 of 3

A Neural Tube Defects Have Fallen – Part 1 of 3

A Neural Tube Defects Have Fallen. Serious parturition defects of the brain and spine called neural tube defects have fallen 35 percent in the United States since obligatory folic acid fortification of enriched grain products was introduced in 1998, federal officials reported Thursday. That decrease means 1300 fewer babies are born annually with neural tube defects such as spina bifida, the most everyday neural tube defect that, in severe cases, can cause partial or complete paralysis of the parts of the body below the waist. However, even with folic acid fortification some women don’t get enough of the B vitamin, especially Hispanic women, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The intercession said all women of childbearing age – even if they’re not planning to get in a family way – need to get 400 micrograms of folic acid daily from fortified foods, supplements, or both, and to eat foods high in folic acid. “All women qualified of having a baby should be taking a multivitamin containing folic acid every day,” Dr Siobhan Dolan, co-author of the March of Dimes book Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby: The Ultimate Pregnancy Guide, said in a scuttlebutt release from the organization.

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IVF Increases The The Risk Of Thrombosis. Part 3 of 3

IVF Increases The The Risk Of Thrombosis – Part 3 of 3

The researchers found that for women who had undergone IVF, the imperil for a blood clot was 4,2 in 1000 women. For the women with normal pregnancies, the risk was 2,5 in 1000. Moreover, the endanger was highest during the first trimester. Pulmonary embolism occurred in 19 women who had IVF (8,1 out of 10000) compared with 70 women who conceived normally (6 out of 10000), the turn over found.

The researchers caution that the absolute risk of a pulmonary embolism among women who had IVF was still slight – two to three additional cases in 10000 women. “We don’t want patients to get scared. Even with IVF, getting a blood clot is still fair rare”. Also, most blood clots do not go to the lungs and can easily be treated and resolved where to get vigrx delay spray in roswell. Women at risk for clots can be treated with blood thinners that proscribe clots.

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IVF Increases The The Risk Of Thrombosis. Part 2 of 3

IVF Increases The The Risk Of Thrombosis – Part 2 of 3

In addition, the enlarging uterus puts pressure on pelvic blood vessels, which can lead to clotting. Some women are advised to channel their movement to reduce the risk of clotting. Although it’s unclear why women who undergo IVF have a greater risk of clotting, Hershlag speculates that it could be due to fertility treatments that heighten estrogen even beyond levels normally associated with pregnancy.


The genetics of women who need IVF to conceive may also be a factor. Worldwide, about 10 percent of couples experience infertility, according to background information in the study. In IVF, eggs are removed from a woman’s body, fertilized by the man’s sperm and returned to her body.

Since the world’s pre-eminent “test tube” baby was born in 1978, about 5 million births have occurred after IVF. For the study, published Jan. 15 in the online copy of the journal BMJ, researchers compared data on more than 23000 women who became pregnant after IVF with nearly 117000 women who conceived without assisted technology.

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IVF Increases The The Risk Of Thrombosis. Part 1 of 3

IVF Increases The The Risk Of Thrombosis – Part 1 of 3

IVF Increases The The Risk Of Thrombosis. Women who became gravid through in vitro fertilization (IVF) may have an increased risk of developing blood clots and potentially damaging artery blockage, Swedish investigators suggest. Although the risk remains small, the odds are especially high during the first trimester compared to women who become pregnant naturally, the researchers said. Blood clots – called venous thromboembolism – can come forth in the leg veins and break free, traveling to the lungs and blocking a main artery. This condition, called pulmonary embolism, can cause obstacle breathing and even death.

So “There is an increased incidence of pulmonary embolism and venous thrombosis among women pregnant after IVF,” said lead researcher Dr Peter Henriksson, a professor of internal pharmaceutical at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. “Embolism is the leading cause of maternal mortality during pregnancy. The diagnosis can be elusive, so physicians should be aware of this risk to facilitate the diagnosis”.

The peril of clotting during pregnancy isn’t confined to women who undergo IVF, another experts said. “Any pregnancy carries a risk of clotting,” said Dr Avner Hershlag, manager of the Center for Human Reproduction at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, NY. This is because hormones, particularly estrogen, increase during pregnancy. “This changes what we call the clotting cascade. There are many factors in blood clotting that can be distressed by hormones – especially estrogen”.

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